Privacy Policy

Canadian Visa Professionals ( is committed to safeguarding your privacy while providing our Canadian Immigration Online Application Services. We encourage you to periodically review this statement as it may change from time to time at our sole discretion. Questions concerning your personal information should be directed to our Privacy Officer by email at:    

What This Privacy Policy Covers


This Privacy Policy explains the kinds of personal information collected by Canadian Visa Professionals regarding individuals, and discusses how Canadian Visa Professionals gathers, uses, processes, retains, and shares with third parties, the personal information that it collects, and other relevant matters.


Informed Consent


Through your use of the Canadian Visa Professionals website and/or application for any reason (such as to utilize the content and/or services offered, as well as to pay for different services offered on the Canadian Visa Professionals website and/or the application), you hereby confirm that you have read, understand and agree to the conditions stated in this Privacy Policy, and you give your informed consent for all of the uses that are made or might be made by Canadian Visa Professionals with the personal information that you provide on the company’s website (including the transfer of your personal information to third parties for the reasons stated in this Privacy Policy) and/or of the personal information that will be gathered regarding your use of the company’s website, whether by itself or through third parties working on behalf of Canadian Visa Professionals.


By your decision to submit your personal information to Canadian Visa Professionals through its website and/or via the application and/or using any of the methods described in this Privacy Policy, you hereby declare and obligate the following:


A.  Personal information that you provide to Canadian Visa Professionals belongs to you and is accurate, complete and correct.


B.  Canadian Visa Professionals will retain the personal information that you provide in the company’s data stores, and the company will be entitled to utilize that personal information and transfer it to third parties that cooperate with Canadian Visa Professionals or act on its behalf, in adherence with the conditions this Privacy Policy sets forth.




To the extent that your consent is a basis for collecting personal information about you, there is an age requirement for you to be at least 16 years of age (or to be at least 13 years of age, if this is what has been determined by the law in your country). In the event that you do not meet the minimum age requirements, you must receive consent from your parent or guardian so that information can be processed in adherence to this Privacy Policy, and if you lack such consent, Canadian Visa Professionals will not provide you with its services and/or products. Canadian Visa Professionals reserves the right, at the discretion of the company, to request information and proof regarding your age.


Canadian Visa Professionals recognizes the need to provide further privacy protections with respect to personal information the company may process from children on our websites, channels and applications. Personal information for underage individuals (aged 16 and less) will be stored only after their legal guardian consents, and will be used only to deliver the application to the relevant authorities. Canadian Visa Professionals won’t register an individual 16 years old (or younger) as a client.


When We Collect Your Personal Information


Canadian Visa Professionals collects personal information about you when you actively submit information to us (such as when you contact us through various means, including by email, telephone, postal delivery, online chat or social media, and/or when you provide your details in an application operated by our company), and we also gather information whenever you utilize our services, products or service channels, including through observation of your usage of our websites.


Use of “Cookies”


Canadian Visa Professionals uses “cookie” files which monitor your patterns of activity when you visit our website in order to improve the overall website user experience, provide you with any necessary support services, as well as offer you services and/or products that you may be interested in as suggested by data that is collected using the cookie file. When you visit our website, our company system assigns an identifying number to the device that you used to access our website and a cookie file is installed on that device. There may also be times when our company permits the installation of cookie files on your device (either on a temporary basis or permanently) by third parties which are related to their websites, services and/or products. You can set your Internet browser preferences to a cookie rejecting mode, but be advised that the service may not function properly.


Personal Information Collected


Personal information gathered by Canadian Visa Professionals includes location data from the device you use when accessing our website and/or application that we operate, information that is transmitted in the process of communicating with you, and payment collection information when you pay for our services and/or products that we offer.


Your Device’s Location Data – In the process of using the Internet network and accessing a website and/or application operated by Canadian Visa Professionals, and to the extent that your device makes available this option as part of its privacy definitions, our company collects data about the location of your device, which may include general information about the city and state where your device is located as enabled by your IP address.


Information from Communication with You – When you communicate with our company and/or a representative acting on behalf of our company, using methods that may include entering your details on a form on our website and/or in an application that we operate, phone call, voicemail, email, online chat, social network communication, postal delivery, or using any other method, the information that you provide to Canadian Visa Professionals (including comments, requests, complaints, and ideas) will be saved in our system. Thus, if you contact our company and/or a representative acting on behalf of our company, including a customer service representative, by phone, your phone call may be recorded and or the phone conversation documented in writing, among other things, in order to monitor the quality of the service provided to you and/or to prevent fraud. Furthermore, if you subscribe to a newsletter or other communication from our company, we will receive automatic updates whenever you open the newsletter or other communication and/or when you click on a link that it contains.


Payment Collection Information – When you make a payment for services and/or products offered by Canadian Visa Professionals using a credit card, you will be asked to submit data such as the credit card number and details. is hosted on a secure server and uses the most updated information security technology, whose purpose is to protect your credit card details during the transmission of data stored on the servers. This SSL technology (“Secure Sockets Layers”), secures billions of dollars’ worth of transactions over the Internet. Our company also uses a mediator, such as PayPal, for the purpose of providing alternative payment solutions. Canadian Visa Professionals collects personal identifiable information about you (your “Data”) at the time that you make a payment for our offered services and/or products, such as:


  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Phone and/or mobile numbers
  • Country
  • Zip code
  • Email
  • IP address and Internet browser information
  • Market research data such as customer usage patterns


Use and Disclosure of Personal Information


We use your Data for legitimate business operational and marketing purposes, which may include:


  • Processing orders and inquiries
  • Improving our website and services
  • Enhancing our customer service
  • Providing you with the requested services and/or products
  • Resolving disputes, collecting fees, and troubleshooting problems
  • Conducting market research surveys
  • Providing you with information about the products and services that we offer


You may stop the delivery of marketing emails by following the instructions accompanying a particular communication or by contacting us at: 


Canadian Visa Professionals may share information about users with business partners, sponsors and other third parties who may use that information for marketing purposes. We provide this type of information in aggregate form so that no individual user is identified. If you prefer not to receive online marketing information from third-party companies, please contact our Privacy Officer by email at: 


Canadian Visa Professionals sends messages to its subscribers via email regarding its products, new services, improvements, notice of scheduled services, etc. Our subscribers may opt-out of receiving this information by suspending their subscription with us.


Important Notice


A.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Customer hereby grants to Canadian Visa Professionals the right to use, copy, store, transmit, modify, create derivative works of and display the Customer Data solely to the extent necessary to provide the Services to the Customer. As said, Canadian Visa Professionals will use all Customer Data for the immigration process and will store and use this data for this cause. Canadian Visa Professionals does not provide an archiving service. Canadian Visa Professionals agrees only that it will not intentionally delete any Customer Data from any Service prior to termination of the Customer’s applicable Subscription Term. Canadian Visa Professionals expressly disclaims all other obligations with respect to storage.


B.  Despite the provisions of section A above, Canadian Visa Professionals may share or disclose your private, aggregated or otherwise personal information with third parties for industry analysis and demographic profiling and to deliver targeted advertising about other products and services and for marketing purposes. You may opt-out of receiving marketing messages by using the opt-out mechanisms and links from our website or emails.


C.  You have the option to delete your personal information completely from our systems without leaving any trace or stored data. This personal data delete option will be filled upon specific client’s request.


Protection of Your Personal Information


Canadian Visa Professionals has appropriate technical and organizational measures in place to provide a high level of security to protect the personal information our company has about you against unauthorized access or use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss. Data collected by Canadian Visa Professionals is stored behind “firewalls” so as to prevent loss, changing or misuse of information under our control. Websites and applications operated by Canadian Visa Professionals which contain sensitive personal information are protected using the Secured Sockets Layer (SSL 128) protocol which encrypts information on the Internet and is widely accepted and used to protect financial and other sensitive online transactions. The security tools and procedures our company has in place also locate and help to prevent access from unauthorized users.


Furthermore, whenever we transfer or share your personal information with third parties, our company also requires that they utilize technical and organizational procedures in order to maintain a high level of security for your information. Nonetheless, please note that there may be situations in which our company is obligated by law or other requirements beyond our control to transfer your personal information to public authorities or other third parties and in these situations, our company is limited in its ability to affect the measures taken by those third parties to protect your information.


Canadian Visa Professionals agrees to use commercially reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure of any service or customer data. Canadian Visa Professionals has implemented appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security procedures to help protect the personal information you provide to us. However, Canadian Visa Professionals will have no responsibility for errors in transmission, unauthorized third party access or other causes beyond Canadian Visa Professionals’s control.


Although Canadian Visa Professionals makes reasonable efforts to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties, you should be aware that there is always some risk involved in transmitting information over the Internet. Consequently, Canadian Visa Professionals cannot guarantee that the information that you provide on our websites and/or applications that we operate will be completely secure.


Websites operated by Canadian Visa Professionals may include links to different websites. Please note that when ‘clicking’ any of these links, your computer will be directed to another separate website. We advise that you read the Privacy Protection Notice on these sites, since theirs may differ from ours.


Access to Data and Contact Info


You may request a correction to or a copy of the personal information we hold about you by contacting the Privacy Officer at or writing to:


Privacy Officer
Canadian Visa Professionals
9225 Leslie Street, Suite 201
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H6


Data Controller


Canadian Visa Professionals serves as the Data Controller of the personal information about you.


In the event that you have enrolled to receive services offered by Canadian Visa Professionals, but a portion of that service is provided by a third party, the third party will serve as a separate “Data Controller.”


Furthermore, Canadian Visa Professionals is part of a Group of companies that also includes: Australia Immigration Professionals, Green Card Lottery Experts, Jobs Across the World, Natively Academy, and New Zealand Visa Expert.


Each company in the Group conducts certain activities that make up a portion of the Group’s overall activity, which involves relocation, immigration, and education. In this activity, the members of the Group share among themselves personal information about individuals for their internal purposes.


Thus, personal information that Canadian Visa Professionals collects about you may be shared with the other companies in the Group and these other companies may utilize that personal information only for their internal requirements. Similarly, personal information collected about you by other companies in the Group may be shared with Canadian Visa Professionals, which will utilize it only for its internal purposes.


In each of the above cases, Canadian Visa Professionals and the other companies in the Group will be considered “Joint Data Controllers” in regards to personal information about you, and they will be responsible individually and collectively for complying with the requirements to safeguard your personal information.


If you would like to realize your rights about personal information or should you have any questions about activities related to the processing of your personal information, please feel free to contact Canadian Visa Professionals, which will handle your request even if it involves another member of the Group, at the company’s address provided above, or by sending an email to:


Additionally, you may contact members of the Group which process your personal information as well as Canadian Visa Professionals.


Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties


In addition to sharing personal information about you with other companies in the Group of companies that Canadian Visa Professionals is a part of, in support of general activities or internal needs of the companies in the Group (as discussed in the Data Controller section above), Canadian Visa Professionals may also share your personal information with third parties such as those listed below:


A.  Immigration agents, lawyers, consultants, or other third parties (among others) that facilitate the process for relocation/immigration/education services (as relevant);


B.  Third parties providing services or supplies that help our company to provide you with the services and/or products that you request (for example, accountants, IT services, legal advisers, payment processing services, etc.);


C.  Officials involved with certain legal or related matters (for example, public authorities dealing with immigration, customs, security, etc.);


D.  Officials in different countries in order satisfy certain legal requirements;


E.  We may offer you the services and/or products of third parties that are our company’s business partners and if you indicate an interest in these offers, we may provide your personal information to those third parties.


Please note that Canadian Visa Professionals will send your personal information to the third party on the date in which it is requested or when necessary (as relevant).


Data Protection in the European Union


For issues concerning European regulations for privacy protection, please contact our Privacy Officer by sending an email to:


Consequences of Not Providing Your Personal Information


There is no obligation for you to provide your personal information to Canadian Visa Professionals. It should be noted, however, that Canadian Visa Professionals may not be able to provide you with the services and/or products that you request from our company unless you submit your personal information.


Although you are not required to provide Canadian Visa Professionals with your personal information, there are certain situations in which providing your personal information is a necessary condition for establishing a contractual relationship between you and Canadian Visa Professionals. Therefore, a decision by you not to provide Canadian Visa Professionals with your personal information may prevent our company from entering into a contractual agreement with you and consequently, we may not be able to provide you with the services and/or products that you asked to receive from our company.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned, these rules will apply concerning particular users: In general, with the exception of any lawful requirement for users to provide our company with specific information, you are not legally obligated to provide Canadian Visa Professionals with your personal information, and you have the freedom to decide whether or not to do so. In the event that you decide not to provide Canadian Visa Professionals with your personal information in accordance with the company’s requirements, Canadian Visa Professionals may be prevented from responding to your request and/or may not be able to provide you with the services and/or products that you ask to receive.


You May Request That Your Personal Information Not be Used for Marketing


Canadian Visa Professionals seeks to take into account the needs and personal preferences of its potential and current customers in order to provide them with relevant content and offers. With this goal in mind, Canadian Visa Professionals conducts analyses of personal information using certain technologies and techniques in order to reach conclusions regarding content and offers that you may find personally relevant. Furthermore, to the extent that you agree to be sent marketing offers from Canadian Visa Professionals, our company can refine its offers made to you by using the conclusions drawn from these analyses of your data.


You have the right to request at any time and without cost that Canadian Visa Professionals not use your personal information for direct marketing purposes, by sending an email with the subject line “Unsubscribe” to: Please note that if you decide on this option, your personal information (such as your contact details) will still be saved by Canadian Visa Professionals, but our company will not use your information to send marketing materials, as discussed in the previous paragraph.


You Have Rights Regarding Your Personal Information


You have several rights regarding your personal information, such as the following:


The Right to Review Your Personal Information – You have the right to ask our company to confirm if it has personal information about you and if it does, you can also request to be sent a copy of your personal information, pending our company’s confirmation of your identity so as to prevent the transfer of your personal information to an unauthorized third party. You may request a review of your personal information by sending an email to:


The Right to Limit How Your Personal Information Is Used – It is your right to insist that limits be placed on how our company uses your personal information contingent upon your personal information being required by our company to fully provide you with the services and/or products you enrolled to receive from our company. You may request that our company place limits on how we use your personal information by sending an email to:


The Right to Have Your Personal Information Deleted – You have the right to request that our company delete your personal information, contingent upon the following caveats:


A.  you provided consent for your personal information to be processed and you are now cancelling your consent to process your personal information, subject to there not being a legal basis that justifies processing your personal information;


B.  your personal information is not required for the purpose that it was processed and/or collected;


C.  you are objecting to the processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes (as discussed above in the section, “You May Request That Your Personal Information Not be Used for Marketing”);


D.  you have your own reasons for objecting to the processing of your personal information, if the legal basis for it to be processed is the carrying out of a task or tasks for the public good, implementing official authority granted to our company or satisfying the legitimate interests of our company and/or a third party, such as producing a profile about you by virtue of the above lawful bases, and there are no decisive legitimate reasons to process your personal information that outweigh your rights, freedoms or interests;


E.  your personal information needs to be deleted due to legal requirements placed upon our company;


F.  personal information was gathered in the context of offering services to a minor; or


G.  your personal information was collected and/or processed in an illegal manner.


You may request that our company delete your personal information from its system by sending an email to:


Please note that this right will not apply in situations in which our company has a duty to process your personal information because of laws imposed upon our company, to seek protection from lawsuits, in the interest of public health, or to fulfill commitments for carrying out the official authority of our company or the public interest.


The Right to Object to Your Personal Information Being Used – At any time, you have the right to object, for your own reasons, to your personal information being processed, given that the legal basis for your personal information being processed is the carrying out of a task or tasks for the public good, implementing official authority granted to our company or satisfying the legitimate interests of our company and/or a third party, such as producing a profile about you by virtue of the above lawful bases, and there are no decisive legitimate reasons to process your personal information that outweigh your rights, freedoms or interests. In the same manner, it is also your right at any time to object to the processing of your personal information for use in direct marketing (this includes the creation of a profile about you for marketing purposes) and in such a case, our company will no longer process your personal information for the purpose of direct marketing. You may send objections regarding the use of your personal information to:


The Right of Mobility for Your Personal Information – It is your right to be sent in an acceptable, structured format that can be read on a device your personal information that you provided to our company and to transfer your personal information to a different Data Controller. You also have the right to request that our company send your personal information to the other Data Controller (if that is technically possible). It is important to note that your right to have your personal information sent to you or to a different Data Controller only applies to your personal information that was processed with your consent or to take steps at your request prior to signing a contract or based upon the requirement to implement a contract to which you are a party. It must also be stressed that it is not acceptable to impinge upon the right of our company to keep a copy of your personal information as determined by European regulations concerning privacy protection. You may request that our company send your personal information to you and/or transfer it to a different Data Controller by sending an email to:


The Right to File a Complaint – You have the right to file a complaint regarding our company’s Privacy Policy and/or concerning your personal information by contacting our Data Protection Officer by email at or by writing to:


Data Protection Officer
Canadian Visa Professionals
9225 Leslie Street, Suite 201
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H6


Transfer of Personal Information to International Organizations or Other Countries


You understand that your personal information may be transferred beyond the borders of the country where you are living, including to states where the regulations permit a lower protection level for personal data than the level of protection determined by the regulations in your country of residence. In such a situation, Canadian Visa Professionals will utilize measures to provide a proper protection level for your personal information as discussed in this Privacy Policy and as the applicable laws require. It should also be noted that your personal information may be transferred outside of the European Union (EU) zone (in other words, to countries that are not members of the European Union and which do not include Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland). It is also possible under certain circumstances that your personal information may be transferred to international organizations.


Through your use of the website(s) and/or application operated by Canadian Visa Professionals, and by providing your personal information to our company, you hereby give your informed consent to Canadian Visa Professionals to process and/or store and/or retain and/or transfer your personal information beyond the borders of your country of residence.


Length of Time for Retaining Your Personal Information


Since we are dealing with a versatile governmental program and, therefore, requirements might change from time to time, your details will be saved in our systems using advanced security encryption for as long as necessary in order for our company to provide you with our services unless otherwise instructed by you in writing in accordance with the GDPR regulations. During this time period, our immigration consultants will match the most suitable type of visa to your profile. You will receive your personal assessment results for your single or family application within the specified time frame. Reviews are conducted by Canadian Visa Professionals on a regular basis in order to make sure that our company does not retain your personal information any longer than is necessary.


Changes to Our Privacy Policy


It is the right of Canadian Visa Professionals to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time at the company’s sole discretion. In the event that this Privacy Policy is updated, Canadian Visa Professionals will make these changes known by posting the updated Privacy Policy on our company’s websites and/or applications operated by our company. Unless otherwise stated, any updates made to this Privacy Policy will become effective on the date that they are posted on the particular Canadian Visa Professionals website and/or application operated by our company. Additionally, Canadian Visa Professionals will take steps to inform you when significant changes have been made to our company’s Privacy Policy by posting an announcement regarding the major policy change(s) on our websites and/or applications operated by our company and/or by other methods of communication that would normally be used in such situations, and Canadian Visa Professionals will also seek to receive your consent regarding the significant changes made to its Privacy Policy that are related to our company’s use of your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws. Therefore, we encourage you to periodically review our Privacy Policy to check for any updates that may have been made and so that you will be informed about our company’s Privacy Policy related to your personal information.